

第一章 冠词精讲与精练


When I walked down [1]______Third Avenue, as [2]______ rule, I used to look into the window of [3]_______old shop that sold old but beautiful things. Since I often took my walk after the closing time, I cupped my hands against [4]_________ windows to get [5]_______ small look at the treasures inside.

Some things looked as if they had not been cared for [6]______ long time,but I knew their beauty was still there beneath their surface. I even thought they were [7]_________ most beautiful that I had ever seen. That was how I felt about old people, too. I knew their value, and it hurt me when others missed it. I was raised by my grandmother and given [8]______ deep sense of the value of experience. Taught to behave well, my sister and I respected other people,regardless of their age or colour. My grandmother was loved by all [9]______ people around her.She was known to be [10]____ wise and kind woman, who was able to do things well even in her last years.

Keys: 1.the 2.a 【as a rule 通常】 3.an 4.the 5.a 【get a look at看一眼】

6.a 【for a long time很长一段时间】 7.the 8.a 9.the 10.a


冠词考点1、定冠词(the)表特指,不定冠词(a, an)表泛指。

冠词考点2、a用在辅音开头的可数名词单数前,an 用在元音开头的可数名词单数前。


(2)、useful,university,usual,united,European, one-eyed等单词的拼写以元音字母开头,但读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用a。

冠词考点3、固定短语中的冠词问题,如第二题的as a rule(通常)


at the age of在…岁时

in the middle of在…的中间

at the foot of 在…脚下

on the way to 在去…的路上

on the right/left在右边/左边

in the habit of有做…的习惯

at the same time同时

in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上

at the beginning/end of 在…开始/结束时

at the top/bottom of在…的顶部/底部

by the way顺便问一下

in the form of 以…的形式

with the help of 在…的帮助下

with the development of随着…的发展


at college在上大学

at home在家

in advance预先,提前

lose weight减肥

at peace/war处于和平/战争状态

in good condition情况良好

on business因公出差

in addition此外,另外

in good order有条不紊

in place of取代

pay attention to注意


in hospital在住院 in the hospital在医院

in charge of掌管 in the charge of由…掌管

in possession of占有 in the possession of被…占有

in front of在…(外部)的前面 in the front of在…(内部)的前部

out of question毫无疑问 out of the question 不可能


He is a success as a teacher but a failure as a father.

A good knowledge of English is a must in modern society.






1.【2021·全国甲卷】It took us about 3 hours to go all ___48___ way around the Xi’an City Wall.

Key: the

2.【2021·全国乙卷】Due to ___65_ growing popularity of environmentally-related and adventure travel, various typesof trips are now being classified as ecotourism. Key: the

3.【2021·新高考Ⅰ卷】While you’re in China, Mount Huangshan is ____65____ must to visit!

Key: a 句意:当你在中国的时候,黄山是一个你一定要去的地方。must作名词时,意为“绝对必要的事物”,为可数名词,此处泛指“一个必须去的地方”,应用不定冠词,must是以辅音音素开头的词,应用a。故填a。

4.【2021·浙江高考卷】___44___ Lincolns enlarged the house to a full two stories in 1856 to meet the needs of their growing family. Three of the four Lincoln sons were born here. Key: the

5.【2020•全国Ⅱ卷】The plum trees are 70. first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化).Key: the

6.【2020•浙江高考】This style of farming lasted for quite a long time.Then, with 64rise of science, changes began.Key:the考查冠词。此处定冠词特指科学的振兴。

7.【2019·全国卷Ⅱ】When we got a call saying she was short-listed,we thought it was 69joke.Key: a 考查冠词。根据句意“我们以为这是一个玩笑”,再因为joke为可数名词,故用不定冠词。

8.【2018•卷II】Corn production has jumped nearly 125 percent over_______past 25 years, while rice has increased only 7 percent. Key: the9.【2018•III】Unexpectedly, I’m face-to-face with the gorilla(大猩猩), who begins screaming at ________ top of her lungs. Key: the

10.【2017·全国卷I】As ________ result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. Key:a

11.【2017·全国卷II】This included digging up the road, laying the track and then building a strong roof over ________ top. When all those had been done, the road surface was replaced.

Key:the【dig up掘起; 翻土(准备种东西)】

12.【2017·全国卷III】Instead, she is earning £6,500 a day as ________ model in New York. Key:a

13.【2017·浙江卷6月考】For Pahlsson, the ring’s return was _______ wonder.

Key:a【原文the ring’s 是its】

14.【2016·全国新课标I】The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, ____ other is with mum-she never suspects.

key:the【nursery婴儿室,幼儿园; 临时托儿所】

15.【2016·全国新课标II】Give your body and brain a rest by stepping outside forwhile, exercising, or dong something you enjoy. Key:a 【for a while一会儿】

16.【2016·上海】You can tell when you are over the top and on the downward slope, by asking yourself _______ number of questions. Do you, for instance, feel that too much is being expected of you, and yet find it impossible to say no? Do you find yourself…..

key:a 【on the downward slope,在下斜坡】

17.【2015·全国卷II】The adobe dwellings(土坯房) built by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even ________most modern of architects and engineers. key:the

18.【2015·广东卷】Mr Johnson lived in the woods with his wife and children. He owned ____ farm, which looked almost abandoned. Key:a


1.【2020·全国卷I】Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into pan together.


2.【2020·全国卷III】For example, every morning, my dad has to have the bowl of egg soup while I had to eat an apple. Key:考查冠词。句意:例如:每天早晨,我的父亲不得不喝一碗鸡蛋汤,然而,我不得不吃一个苹果。泛指“一碗鸡蛋汤”,bowl以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a,所以the改成a。

3.【2019·全国卷I】One afternoon when I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground. Suddenly football fell just in front of me but almost hit me.



4.【2019·全国卷III】Each of my cafes will have a different theme and an unique style.



5.【2017全国卷,33】It is generally accepted that the boy must learn to stand up and fight like

a man.【真题改编】

【答案】the 改为a 【考点】考查冠词的用法。

【解析】句意为“人们普遍认为,男孩子必须学会做一个男子汉,能挺身而出,勇于战斗。”a boy和 a man都是泛指,表示一类人。单数可数名词泛指应在名词前加不定冠词a。

6.【2017全国卷II,16】As he reached front door, Jack saw a strange sight.【真题改编】

【答案】front 前加the 【考点】考查冠词在具体语境中的用法。

【解析】句意为“当Jack走到前门时,看到了一个奇怪的景象。”the front door是特指Jack所走过去的门,a strange sight是泛指,相当于a certain sight,起初次介绍的作用。

7.【2017山东卷,21】Take your time—it’s just short distance from here to the restaurant.【真题改编】

【答案】just 后加a 【考点】考查冠词在具体语境中的用法。

【解析】句意为“别急—从这儿到餐馆只不过短短的距离而已。”a short distance短距离,是固定搭配的短语。

8.【2017浙江卷,2】Experts think that a recently discovered painting may be a Picasso. 【真题改编】

【答案】第一个a改为the 【考点】考查冠词在语境中的用法。

【解析】句意为“专家认为,最近发现的油画可能是毕加索的作品。”the painting特指最近发现的油画;a Picasso意为a Picasso’s painting,指毕加索的一件作品,有one的含义。

9.【2017四川卷,18】Dr.Peter Spence, headmaster of the school, told us, “The fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”【真题改编】

【答案】The fifth 改为A fifth

【解析】句意为“校长Peter Spence告诉我们说,我校的五分之一学生将到牛津大学和剑桥大学去学习。”a fifth表示五分之一。因此选A。

10.【2017重庆卷,26】In communication, a smile is usually an strong sign of a friendly and open attitude.【真题改编】

【答案】an改为a 【考点】考查冠词的用法。


11.【2017陕西卷,13】As is known to all, People’s Republic of China is the biggest developing country in the world. 【真题改编】

【答案】在Republic 前加the 【考点】考查冠词的用法。


12.【2017江西卷22】——It’s said that John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year.

—— Right, he will also get paid by a week.【真题改编】

【答案】by后的a 改为the 【考点】考查冠词在具体语境中的用法。


13.I have visited many cities since the September 2006. 【答案】划掉the

14.We all know that the man is the most developed animal in the world.


15.I came by the plane and I had a lovely journey. 【答案】划掉the

16.What good time we had last night! 【答案】good前加a

17.We have a music class once week. 【答案】once前加a

18.What pity it is that you won’t be back before I leave.【答案】what后加a

19.The Americans landed on moon in 1969. 【答案】on后加the

20.【2018•卷I】During my last winter holiday, I went to countryside with my father to visit my grandparents. Key:countryside 前加the【固定搭配go to the countryside】

21.【2018•卷II】As the kid, I loved to watch cartoons, but no matter how many times I asked to watch them, my parents would not let me.Key:the–a


Tom is [1]________ honest boy. As [2]_______ matter of fact, he never tells lies. He bought [3]____ useful dictionary the other day so that he could have [4]_____ good command of vocabulary, which I think is [5]_______ wise choice. He works hard from morning till night and he always goes to school in [6]_____ hurry. He is always [7]_______ first student to get to school. He studies in [8]_____ most beautiful school, where the teacher and the students are fond of playing [9]______ piano. It’s out of [10]_________ question for them to get tired of the music they are keen on.

Keys: 1.an 2.a 3.a 4.a 【have a good command of 精通…..】

5.a 6.a 7.the 8.a 9.the 10.the 【out of the question不可能 out of question毫无疑问


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