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Dr. Qin Wang in Medical College of Georgia (MCG) is recruiting 3-5 Ph.D students and 2-3 postdoctoral researchers.

Dr.Qin Wang‘s lab at the Medical College of Georgia is currently seeking 3-5 Ph.D students (with full stipend) and 2-3 postdoctoral researchers to join their team. Dr. Qin Wang, a tenured full professor and the founding director of the Program for Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Discovery at MCG, is the prestigious Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Eminent Scholar in Neuropharmacology. The lab focuses on investigating cell surface receptor signaling and neuropharmacology in the context of brain physiology and disease pathology. The lab’s research covers a broad spectrum of translational neural pharmacological research studying neuronal and glial signaling in neurological and psychiatric diseases, ranging from basic mechanistic studies to preclinical tests in animal and ips cell models, drug target discovery to high throughput drug screening and small molecule optimization, and bench wet-lab research to dry lab computational/bioinformatic studies. The lab is well funded with multiple active NIH R01 level grants in addition to ample startup funds from the institute and GRA endowment, which allows the lab to apply cutting-edge techniques to address the most critical questions in the field. The PI will provide a tailored training plan for individual trainees based on their unique backgrounds.

If you are interested in joining the lab, please visit their website at https://www.augusta.edu/mcg/dnrm/faculty/qin-wang-lab.php for more information.

Qualifications of applicants:

Highly motivated. Motivation is the most critical factor for success in biomedical research.

Previous experience in neurobiology, cellular biology, biochemistry, and/or genetic research is preferred. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience in neuroscience, especially for the postdoctoral position.

For postdoctoral candidates, having publication(s) in peer-reviewed journals is necessary.

Experience in bioinformatics is a significant advantage.

A willingness to collaborate with other members of the lab and contribute to the development of the entire lab is required.

Interested person can send email directly to Dr. Qin Wang: qiwang@augusta.edu

About MCG and Augusta.

As the only public academic medical college in Georgia, MCG is dedicated to conducting state-of-the-art biomedical research and translating our findings into clinical applications. We are equally committed to providing excellent education and training opportunities for the next generation of physicians and researchers. Located in the charming city of Augusta in the southeastern United States, MCG offers easy access to a wide range of recreational and lifestyle opportunities. Within a 2.5 hour drive, you can explore the vibrant city of Atlanta, relax on the beach, or venture into the mountains. Our mission is to improve human health and well-being through cutting-edge research and education. We are proud to be part of the vibrant community of Augusta and the state of Georgia, and to contribute to the advancement of healthcare both regionally and globally.

佐治亚医学院(MCG)的Qin Wang博士诚聘3-5名全奖博士研究生和2-3名博士后研究员

佐治亚医学院(MCG)的Dr. Qin Wang实验室(https://www.augusta.edu/mcg/dnrm/faculty/qin-wang-lab.php)正在积极招募3-5名全奖博士研究生和2-3名博士后研究员。

Dr. Qin Wang是细胞表面受体信号和神经药理学方面的终身教授,也是MCG Alzheimer治疗创新计划的创始人和享有声望的佐治亚研究联盟(GRA)神经药理学杰出学者(https://gra.org/page/1051/talent.html)。她的研究兴趣围绕在探索细胞表面受体信号传导和转化神经药理学方面,探究大脑生理学和疾病病理学。实验室的研究涵盖了转化神经药理学研究的广泛领域,包括神经和胶质细胞的基础机制研究,动物和ips细胞模型的临床前试验,药物靶点发现和高通量药物筛选和小分子优化,以及计算/生物信息学研究。

实验室经费充裕,除了充足的启动资金外,还有多项活跃的NIH R01级别研究基金和GRA捐赠基金。这些资金允许实验室应用尖端技术来解决该领域最关键的问题。实验室的PI将根据个人背景提供量身定制的培训计划。



• 高度的动力和积极性。在生物医学研究中,动力和积极性是最关键的成功因素。

• 具有神经生物学、细胞生物学、生物化学和/或遗传学研究的经验优先。我们特别欢迎有神经科学经验的应聘者,特别是博士后职位。

• 对于博士后职位的应聘者,至少需要在同行评审的期刊上发表论文。

• 具有生物信息学经验是一个显著的优势。

• 必须有与实验室其他成员合作并为整个实验室的发展做出贡献的意愿。

申请人可直接发邮件给: qiwang@augusta.edu




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