

passage 1

Several years ago, a neighbor kid kicked a football and broke a basement window of my house. Due to financial problems, I ___21___ it up, thinking I’d get to it someday.

Over the years, I had planned to upgrade to energy-efficient windows. But with the frame (窗框) rusted (锈) and firmly ___22___ in the foundation, whoever did it would need to chisel (凿) it out by hand. It would be a ___23___ process and there were six of those windows in the house. The cost was estimated at $15,000. It was simply ___24___.

Honestly, the thought of that window ___25___ me for years. I knew I needed to fix it, but I had built up the ___26___ so much in my mind that I put it off again and again.

Then I had a job change and needed to sell the house before moving away. But it was almost ___27___ to find a buyer if there was a broken window. So I pulled off the boards to face this thing head-on. I grabbed some rust remover, ___28___ it around the frame of the window, and gave it a pull. To my astonishment, it easily ___29___. I took the window downtown. It only cost me $12. I could have ___30___ the problem for only $12 when it occurred, but I let it bother me for five years!

___31___, this isn’t just about my window. Many of us live with broken windows of one type or another. They are things that seriously affect our ___32___ of life. If you recognize your broken window, don’t ___33___ to mend it. It may turn out to be ___34___ than expected. Usually we suffer more in___35___ than in reality.

21. A. toreB. madeC. boardedD. packed

22. A. lostB. stuckC. buriedD. mixed

23. A. brain-burningB. labor-consumingC. energy-wastingD. risk-taking

24. A. in a messB. beyond controlC. at handD. out of reach

25. A. went againstB. relied onC. ate atD. appealed to

26. A. difficultyB. confidenceC. confusionD. harm

27. A. shamefulB. impossibleC. pointlessD. unfair

28. A. blewB. turnedC. passedD. spread

29. A. brokeB. fellC. movedD. missed

30. A. addressedB. ignoredC. delayedD. considered

31. A. LuckilyB. ConsequentlyC. UnexpectedlyD. Actually

32. A. qualityB. paceC. wayD. meaning

33. A. attemptB. guaranteeC. hesitateD. pretend

34. A. easierB. tougherC. rarerD. worse

35. A. practiceB. memoryC. principleD. imagination

passage 2

Hearing the notes coming from the other side of the wall, Giorgio was moved. This was our way of saying “I don’t know who you are, but I’m here. You’re not ______21______.”

It turned out his neighbor’s name was Emil and he was 78 years old, _____22_____ from Poland. His wife had _____23_____ in December from COVID-19 and the _____24_____ in which he was staying was a temporary accommodation until he would sell his house. The only comfort left to Emil was his _____25_____. The reason he was playing at 2 p.m. every weekend and also duetting (二重奏) at that time with Giorgio was because of his _____26_____.

“When I wrote the song—Dear Emil, I started _____27_____ Emil’s life. A 78 widower that lost the love of his life because of this stupid ______28______. Spending days alone at home due to lockdown, playing her favorite piano song every weekend, until a _____29_____ appeared on his door, one which read you are _____30_____, and not alone. And a new friendship started, two pianos between a wall. Although they didn’t know who was playing, it didn’t _____31_____ . You can be the _____32_____ to somebody else’s darkness.” said Giorgio.

Giorgio shared on March 14th that he’d received _____33_____ that Emil had left the world forever in his sleep: “And now he is _____34_____ his wife.” “Dear Emil,” he wrote. “I knew little about you, but you _____35_____ my life. You gave me back my passion, believing music can be powerful.”

21. A. unique B. awake C. alone D. accompanied

22. A. originally B. eventually C. typically D. regularly

23. A. got sick B. passed away C. got injured D. passed by

24. A. hospital B. store C. firm D. apartment

25. A. piano B. violin C. photo D. instrument

26. A. wife B. friend C. mother D. daughter

27. A. describing B. picturing C. admiring D. predicting

28. A. hurt B. challenge C. virus D. war

29. A. tap B. knock C. call D. note

30. A. heard B. seen C. felt D. smelled

31. A. doubt B. affect C. matter D. conflict

32. A. object B. light C. trouble D. worry

33. A. order B. instruction C. promise D. word

34. A. harmonious with B. similar to C. equal to D. reunited with

35. A. bettered B. disturbed C. changed D. confirmed


From the age of eight, I had to contribute my share of labor along with my father. Our family was too ____21____ to afford paid laborers. Working in the rice fields was no easy job, especially in summer. The ____22____ sun would beat upon my arched back. With only a hat, a shirt and a pair of shorts as my ____23____, I would be sweating like a pig within seconds.

One day, while resting beside the field, I ____24____ my present life: My family was tied to land, doing ____25____ jobs every day. How could we and farmers like us have ____26____ to a better life? Thinking of this, I was suddenly ____27____ with great pity and great respect for them, and the focus of my ____28____ began to extend beyond myself and my family. A voice inside me ____29____ that I should do something to help that. It was right then that I ______30______ to pursue useful knowledge and technology to ______31______ their burden of labour. This undeniable ______32______ pushed me hard to go to a university on a scholarship and ______33______ earn a degree on agriculture.

Although now I went into academic research, I would always ______34______ what working in the rice fields had taught me: Your hard work will be ______35______ if you plant your feet firmly on the ground, for being down-to-earth is an unbroken truth.

21. A. desperate B. wise C. poor D. proud

22. A. blinding B. amazing C. rising D. burning

23. A. preference B. protection C. purchase D. priority

24. A. puzzled over B. worried about C. believed in D. complained about

25. A. high-paying B. heart-breaking C. back-breaking D. risk-taking

26. A. reactions B. contributions C. access D. addiction

27. A. consumed B. provided C. confused D. troubled

28. A. career B. schedule C. interest D. concern

29. A. protested B. insisted C. warned D. predicted

30. A. attempted B. promised C. resolved D. agreed

31. A. lighten B. quicken C. distribute D. shoulder

32. A. curiosity B. outcome C. fact D. urge

33. A. immediately B. ultimately C. definitely D. rarely

34. A. treasure B. doubt C. adopt D. acquire

35. A. facilitated B. relieved C. challenged D. rewarded


You may have heard the name of Parkrun. But you may not know it was founded by Paul Sinton-Herwitt, who was ___21___ the Royal Society of the Arts’ Albert Medal in 2019. He got the honor for his _____22_____ in the field of social improvement.

Parkruns are free, weekly, community _____23_____ all around the world. The events are 5km and _____24_____ on Saturday morning in parks and open spaces. It is a positive and inclusive _____25_____ where there is no time limit and no one finishes last. Everyone is _____26_____ to come along, whether you walk, jog, run, volunteer or watch.

In 2004 Paul had lost his job and he was _____27_____ in an accident. Down but not out, this was the time when the _____28_____ of Parkrun first came to him. On 2nd October 2004,13 amateur runners arrived in Bushy Park, London. Parkrun was born. The first team ____29____ Paul and his wife Joanne together with a few of their friends. At that time, it was just called a time trial, the name Parkrun was not ____30____ until 2008, and no one knew what a phenomenon it would become.

The second Parkrun wasn’t _____31_____ until 2007. Shortly after Wimbledon, Richmond, Banstead and Leeds Hyde Parks started to host Parkruns. And then, _____32_____ and the number of events have continued to grow. Parkrun is now a _____33_____ phenomenon, represented in 21 different countries, stretching across five continents.

At the 2019 ceremony Paul gave a speech celebrating Parkrun, from the tiny ____34____ he planted fifteen years ago through to the worldwide movement. Paul went on to praise their movement of real people and communities, empowering themselves and those around them to do _____35_____ things for themselves and one another.

21 A. awarded B. showed C. offered D. given

22. A. claim B. announcement C. development D. innovation

23. A. projects B. events C. routes D. matches

24. A. come out B. make sense C. take place D. break out

25. A. experience B. impression C. position D. feeling

26. A. right B. willing C. active D. welcome

27. A. injured B. rescued C. moved D. killed

28. A. question B. reason C. idea D. cause

29. A. attracted B. invited C. found D. included

30. A. adopted B. adjusted C. achieved D. abused

31. A. set off B. set up C. given off D. given up

32. A. participation B. examination C. exploration D. population

33. A. local B. national C. global D. personal

34. A. dream B. desire C. tree D. seed

35. A. positive B. attentive C. productive D. addictive


A couple of years ago, I stepped off the subway in Upper Manhattan, worn out after a long and stressful day at work, 21 about the warmth of my bed. I stopped in a grocery store on the way to my apartment to buy a bag of popcorn.

A man about three times my size 22 in front of me at the cash register and turned toward me, telling me I looked 23 . I smiled uncomfortably and became noticeably more 24 , as a young woman does when a 25 man starts talking to her at night. He turned toward the cashier and said that he was going to get my snack too. I politely declined his 26 and was already pulling out my wallet, but this man wouldn’t 27 me to say no. He 28 the cashier a couple of extra dollars to cover my popcorn and told me that he hoped my 29 got better. He walked out of the 30 and I never saw him again.

The world could use a little more 31 . Most of the time, it’s so 32 to get caught up in your own routine and everyday personal worries that we just don’t remember to 33 those around us. The man who 34 for my popcorn has 35 with me and inspired me to pay it forward to others who look like they could use a hand.

21. A. dreaming B. worrying C. forgetting D. inquiring

22. A. hid B. stood C. served D. shouted

23. A. embarrassed B. annoyed C. excited D. tired

24. A. ashamed B. curious C. alarmed D. energetic

25. A. rude B. strange C. considerate D. strong

26. A. invitation B. application C. reward D. offer

27. A. allow B. remind C. force D. convince

28. A. cast B. lent C. handed D. spared

29. A. career B. health C. stay D. night

30. A. company B. store C. apartment D. station

31. A. kindness B. patience C. strength D. respect

32. A. relaxing B. embarrassing C. easy D. critical

33. A. rely on B. wait on C. knock into D. tune into

34. A. charged B. hunted C. paid D. fought

35. A. dealt B. stuck C. debated D. agreed


passage 1

21. C 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. A

31. D 32. A 33. C 34. A 35. D

passage 2

21. C 22. A 23. B 24. D 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A

31. C 32. B 33. D 34. D 35. C

passage 3

21. C 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C

31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. D

passage 4

21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. A 30. A

31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. A

passage 5

21. A 22.B 23. D 24.C 25. B

26.D 27.A 28. C 29. D 30.B

31.A 32.C 33.D 34.C 35.B



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