






由于应用广泛、发展成熟,法学已在世界各高等学校普遍开设。需要提到的是,美国的法律本科专业并没有专门开设法学课程,想要成为律师,则需要接受职业教育。美国大学本科主要提供:助理帮办研究的副学士学位(associate’s degree in paralegal studies)和法律预科的学士学位(bachelor’s degree with pre-law emphasis)。而在英国,法律是最传统的科目之一,英国牛津大学,剑桥大学均开设了法学院。

在本期“科研的力量”栏目,几名对法学专业感兴趣的德胜学子与牛津大学法学教授Stefan Enchelmaier进行了对话,一同探讨了比较法、欧洲法等概念问题,也进一步讨论了法律与正义的关系等议题;同时,Enchelmaier教授还为学生们讲解了法学学位、职业规划、专业学习等具体经验,让学生们对于法学有了更深刻的认识与体会。



Stefan Enchelmaier


参加本次访谈的是英国牛津大学林肯学院终身正教授Stefan Enchelmaier。Enchelmaier教授在德国波恩大学获得了欧洲竞争法的博士学位,研究方向主要有罗马法、比较公司破产、比较公司法和欧盟经济法等。教授在诺贝尔获奖者的摇篮——德国马克斯·普朗克研究所(Max Planck Institute,MPI)的知识产权与竞争法研究所任职。



























Q:LLB(Bachelor of laws法学学士)教育的重点是什么?修读法学学士的学生会专注于法律体系背后的理论知识,还是也有机会接触特定的法律条款?










Q: 涉及重大问题的解决方案,我们通常会对相关的法律法规从逻辑性和批判性角度进行比较。在比较解决方案时应该考虑哪些元素?

















A: 在某种程度上,有法律规定我们必须去上学,这是一个很明显的例子。教育的内容会由相关负责部门进行讨论和规范。虽然不一定是在法律层面,但是会在议会制下,部长向议会提交报告和文件。所以法律无处不在,有时你并没有看到它,但是当事情发生时,就会真正引起重视,这时你就会看到律师的行动。而且如果法律只是放在那而没有强制作用,就不会引起社会的重视。


Q: 如果想在英国学习人文或社会学学科,您会给出哪些建议呢?


Q: 您对即将成为法律大一的学生有什么建议吗?




Interview Content

Q:What will be the focus in LLB education? Will it focus on theoretical knowledge behind a legal system or will LLB students have chances to get in touch with specific legal clauses?

A:LLB education, it’s a broad degree. You do private law. I mentioned contract law several times already. I mentioned property law also. You do private law, do public law, you do criminal law. Private law is subdivided into contract. Then there’s property. The property comes, what do I own? What are my things? These things come in as movable things. An immovable land among the movers, there are also things that we cannot touch. I have a patent. I have a trademark. All of this is ultimately based in contract. You also hear a little bit about family law, a little bit about a succession law, and that’s it. Public law comes into discipline. There’s constitutional law. How is the state-organized and administer law? What do the executive authorities? What’s the law that governs their activity? And criminal law is crimes in law that’s with murder, fraud, these things. Theoretical knowledge and specific legal clauses, while the answer is both. The theory comes from studying specific clauses.

Q:As an important branch in social science, do you think that the study of law also do have significant impact in other majors of social science? What suggestions you would like to give that allow us to know more about legal information?

A:Law is a social science. You can look at law from the inside or from the outer. It has connections with anthropology. It has connections with political sciences. It has connections with economics. Because the law is in every aspect of human life.Yes, I did in philosophy. I have ethics when I did philosophy, I did lots of ethics. So I thought about the philosophy of law and the philosophy of how odd we to act ethically. Ethics is how should I and what should I do? What is good behavior? What is moral behavior? But that this is related to law. Law and philosophy go together. Law and latin go together. I didn’t do much Roman law, but that would have been the obvious combination.

Q:Could you please tell us more about what exactly is comparative law? Is it the study on different legal systems?

A:As a comparative lawyer, you have to have studied several national legal assistants where you can compare them. There is no cause in comparative law, it wouldn’t make a lot of sense, because you would only learn rather superficial information. Rather than get an idea of how one legal system works, get an idea of how another legal system works. In the course of your life, you might perhaps learn three or four legal systems in depth which allows you a meaningful comparison. Comparative law is an optional subject which comes relatively late in your studies.

But you have to be a bit patient. You need to learn the individual legal systems first before you can compare them. It is indeed the study of different legal systems. So identify a problem, and then you look at the different solutions in different legal systems. Most of the time, they will have some similarities, because we’re all human beings. I need to interact with other people. That’s the same in every society. The same problems arise. Similar problems arise. Comparative law looks at the solutions to the same problem as they have developed in different legal systems. You need to know individual legal systems first before we can embark on a meaningful comparison. You can have some general overview to give you an idea that other people do things differently.

Q:We know that there are generally five legal systems in the world today, and that there may be significant disparities in how these different systems practice law. Does this mean that the sorts of law we choose to study at university will also determine our future path? As high school students, to what extent should we know about different legal systems?

A:The answer is, to a large extent, yes. Once we have decided on one legal system, you are typically qualified to practice in that one legal system that does not automatically qualify you to practice in other legal systems. Nevertheless,comparative law is an interesting way of enabling you to go to another country to learn the legal system and to qualify eventually, if that’s what you want in that other legal system. Once you’ve studied one legal system, you will recognize similarities in every legal system. You will not come from zero. If you study anywhere in the world, you will come across German law. When you go to university, maybe have law courses at school. They are useful. My observation is when people come to university and they’re at law at school, the advantage that they have over those who haven’t had law at school lasts for about three weeks, four weeks.

Q:Also like hard solutions, or the laws and regulations being logically and critically compared? What are the elements that should be considered when comparing solutions?

A:Sometimes you make a solution which works for one particular case, and we want to have as many as few rules as possible applying to as many cases, but then once the next case comes it doesn’t work because it was too specific. The other thing is a question more of academic culture. In academia, everybody’s voice counts to the same extent. If you have a good argument, it’s the argument that counts. It’s not who you are. It’s in that sense. It’s an entirely free discussion. Anyone can say anything. You can be critical, and you can be supported.

Q:What is the significance of comparative law and what is its future? Can different legal systems learn from one another and, to some extent, merge?

A:Now, comparative law is not a legal system. It looks at existing legal systems and compares them. It’s not. There’s not a country which has compared to law as its legal system. We have, we find variants of the two legal systems, mixtures of the two legal systems are described earlier, um, but the comparative law is not a legal system. It’s all right. It looks at legal systems that it finds in countries and compares the solutions to the same or similar problems to find out which solutions work, why they work, what doesn’t work, why it doesn’t work, and so forth. What’s the most challenging thing for us to learn to compare different law system in different countries? The greatest challenge is language. But it’s superficial. If you want to study a legal system in the depth that enables you to be a meaningful comparative, you have to know the language.

Q:To what extent do comparative laws and European laws affect the trend toward globalization and world economic development?

A:The answer is itcreates a reliable framework in which people can expand their economic activities. They can engage in business with people whom they don’t know. We all have friends and family, and we trust them, and we know what to expect. Part of them might be something we don’t trust, but then we know we can’t trust them, and we know what our risk is. Once an economy develops, people deal with people whom they don’t know. You find trading partners, business partners in the next city, in the next province, in a different country. And in that respect, law and economic development go hand in hand.

Q:Is European law more or less equivalent to Western law? In what way or to what extent do European laws and European legal traditions show its significance to the countries and civilizations?

A:European law driven to Western law? In a sense, yes, the common law and the civil law, both originate in West Europe. But European law, as in the sense of the law, the law of the European Union is not the same as Western law, because Western law is of Canada’s law, US’ law, Australia’s law, and New Zealand. This law of Israel is, to some extent, the law of South Africa. And they’re not in the European Union, and they will probably never be. In what way to extend to European laws, and you can legally ensure its significance to the countries and civilizations they are. There are no two identical countries that have the common law. Or rather, the common law is not identical in the two countries that have it. Law is adaptable. Law adapts to the culture, to the aspirations, to the hopes, to the experiences of the countries in which it comes to reply.

Q:Is it important to decide earlier about choosing between being a solicitor or a barrister? In HK, the education provided for these two paths is completely different, is it the same in the UK?

A:Now we have to decide, and yes, it is important to decide early.I don’t know about Hong Kong. In the UK, you only have to decide after university. In other words, you still have time. You can see which one you like. University stays just the same for everybody. So that’s at this stage. Don’t worry. It’s very likely that you haven’t seen enough of either to make a far-reaching decision now.

Q:How has law changed with the development of technology?

A:Well, it changes all the time to some extent. Some things never changed.The Romans, for instance, had no idea about the telephone. The Romans had no Internet. The Romans had no artificial intelligence. And still, you can make contracts involving all these technologies running on Roman law. Because again, it’s about the idea of justice. If you make a promise, you should, in principle, keep their promise. That does not matter whether the promise was made with two people coming together, shaking hands, or whether you clicked on a button on a website on a server that is at the other end of the world. Now, technology changes a lot at the moment, because many mechanical things become automated. For instance, when two companies merge, something that is called due diligence is carried out. In other words, there used to be dozens of junior lawyers who would go through, who would sit in a room with tons and tons of paper and going through the contracts that the company had made to find any risks, to look at the land that it owned, to see whether there were any restrictions on the use of the land. And all of this now that records are mostly kept electronically, you can have an algorithm crawl over the tons of material in few seconds, and you will then be able to find these areas where a human lawyer needs to have a look. Because all artificial intelligence is ultimately stupid. It will always need the intelligent eye of a real human.

Q:What is the relationship between justice and law?

A:Ideas of justice differ. That’s why law is typically the outcome of a democratic discussion, at the end of which some compromise is reached, with which nobody will be entirely happy. And in that sense, we as lawyers, don’t have to worry about. The legal system is such as just, even though they might be unpleasant people who use the legal system if what they demand of somebody else is within the law, they have a right to it like everybody else does. And that’s why we take a professional distance and represent anybody who comes, including those who are guilty, including those who don’t like, including anybody. So the law should have idea, the law does. That’s our starting point. But the assumption that we make the law embodies the idea of justice as it found an expression in the legislation at the time. And the legislator, parliament will have discussed it, there will have been arguments back and forth, and in the end, this is what came out. There’s also, remember their independent courts, who have an eye over the development of the law. If parliament doesn’t like what the courts do, it can correct the development. In this case, law by amending the legislation. So it’s an endless it’s an endless loop. We create a law, we see how it works. If anything doesn’t work as we had intended, the courts help from day to day. If we think that something more fundamental needs to be done then we change the legislation. But there’s always the question about law and justice.The law always embodies the democratic compromise on the idea of what is just.

Q:How much do law and policy affect the education system?

A:To the extent that there’s legislation which says, we have to go to school. That’s an obvious example a curriculum. What you learn might be debated, might be laying down, probably not in laws, but probably in minicative documents by the minister who has the report to a parliament in a parliamentary system, Yeah, there’s law everywhere. You don’t really see it because it own typically comes into play when things go wrong. That’s when you see the lawyer action.Other than that, if it just hangs along, you don’t notice it.

Q:Could you give us some general tips of studying human or social sciences in the UK that you think are the most vital?

A:Try to get to know as many people in the UK as you can. Do not stick with your compatriates. That’s a natural tendency we have. We want to be able to beat. We speak our language. We live, what we like to eat, what music we have listened to when we were teenagers, and all this kind of stuff. But once you discover how interesting it can be to talk to other people, you will not really want to talk to your own people, because that’s so similar to you, that they are just less interesting. Here in Oxford, we have people from more countries than the United Nations, fast member states. And we are lots of Swiss students. And this will be similar in audio, UK University to meet you from around the world. Enjoy the experience. It will enrich you intellectually.

Q:Do you have any advice to soon-to-be law freshmen?

A:If you’re a woman, then don’t call yourself a man.It’s the first simple advice. So, you can do combined degrees, law history, French law, and German law and mandarin. Also very interesting. See what’s an offer at your university. Do not try to think strategically. Do what you like. Then you’ll do well in it, and then you’ll be an attractive position for future employers.You’re just a happy person.There’s no point in forcing yourself to do things. And the best way of preparing yourself to be ready for when something comes to your way.So follow your interests.Not everything will be equally of interest to you in your course of studies. Enjoy the experience. It will enrich you intellectually. It will enrich you first. One thing which will almost always be true, it’s always done by learning things by heart. This will help you.








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